Wednesday, April 25, 2012

3-D Theme Park

This activity was started off by the class listening to Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss. All of the pictures in the book contain 3-D artwork with loops, stairs, and buildings. Our task was to create our own 3-D scene using construction paper shapes. Each student was required to use at least three different types of 3-D elements including, but not limited to, tunnels, loops, and stairs. My table was assigned to use cool colors so I chose blue, green, and purple for my project. I named my village Roller Coaster City because some of the 3-D pieces reminded me of roller coasters I have ridden.
An extension activity for this project would be having students write their own story using Oh, the Places You'll Go! as a guide. Students would be put in groups of five and required to make at least two 3-D scenes each for their group's story. The stories would then be read to the class by each group and then displayed in the classroom.

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